Oklahoma native Lance McDaniel chosen to lead state’s largest film festival, deadCENTER Film Festival

deadCENTER Film Festival officials announced the hiring of Lance McDaniel as Executive Director. McDaniel replaces longtime director Cacky Poarch, who resigned earlier this year following the most successful festival to date. McDaniel’s background in marketing and international brand consultation, combined with his filmmaking and passion for education, make him the ideal person to take the helm at this time.

“Cacky Poarch, Melissa Scaramucci and Kim Haywood have transformed deadCenter into a nationally-renowned platform for independent film and an outstanding showcase for Oklahoma creativity,” said McDaniel. “We hope to build on their success by partnering with local universities and corporate sponsors to educate students all over Oklahoma about independent film, and to help groom the next generation of Oklahoma filmmakers.”

McDaniel received his Bachelors in Communication from Stanford University and his Masters of Liberal Arts in Film from Oklahoma City University

“Lance brings a high level of experience to the table. He is a past award-winning filmmaker with deadCENTER, he’s volunteered for the last five years in literally every aspect of the event, and his passion for the art of filmmaking is unparalleled,” added board chairman Peter Dolese.


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