The short film “Sweet Ride” directed by Ilima Considine, singer of The Sexbots, will show during Filmed by Bike, a film festival of the best bike themed movies from around the world, April 20-23, 2013 at the Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton Street in Portland, Oregon.
Filmed by Bike
NAME OF FESTIVAL: Filmed by Bike
SINCE: 2003
WHERE: Portland, Oregon
Filmed by Bike started in 2003 and has been supporting a burgeoning international community of bike-loving filmmakers ever since. The festival is based in Portland, Oregon and our specialty programs travel throughout the world. Every year, Filmed by Bike holds a huge film festival in Portland, Oregon at the prestigious, historic Hollywood Theatre to celebrate bicycles and film. The festival kicks off with a gigantic street party on opening night and revelry throughout the weekend.
Filmed by Bike