The documentary The Secret Life of Lance Letscher, is a deeply personal and psychological portrait of internationally-renowned collage artist Lance Letscher, told through biographical memories of trauma and triumph.
The documentary The Secret Life of Lance Letscher, is a deeply personal and psychological portrait of internationally-renowned collage artist Lance Letscher, told through biographical memories of trauma and triumph.
15: A Quinceanera Story is a collection of four short films following five Latina girls from different cultural, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds as they transition to adulthood, all observing the traditional rite of passage of the quinceañera
The new documentary Baltimore Rising directed by Sonja Sohn, star of “The Wire”, chronicles the struggle of police and activists to hold the city together in the aftermath of the death of Freddie Gray.
Here is the new trailer for the documentary Saving Capitalism based on Robert Reich’s 2015 book; and looks at the reasons why the economic system that once made America strong is suddenly failing
Cuba and the Cameraman, directed by multiple-Emmy award-winning and Academy Award-nominated documentarian Jon Alpert, captures life in Cuba over the course of 45 years
Check out a new clip – on discovering the true nature of family featuring Andrew Solomon, from new parenting documentary Far From The Tree, directed by Emmy-winning filmmaker Rachel Dretzin.
Check out a new clip from the highly-anticipated comedic documentary The Problem with Apu which is set to premiere on truTV on Sunday, November 19
Here is the new trailer for Quest, Jonathan Olshefski’s moving chronicle of a close knit African-American family living in North Philadelphia.
One hundred seventy features have been submitted for consideration in the Documentary Feature category for the 90th Academy Awards.
Check out the new trailer for the Election Day Film 11/8/16, Jeff Deutchman’s second installment in his election film series.
The Orchard will release the award-winning documentary film “TAKE MY NOSE… PLEASE!” in the United States and Canada on all digital and on-demand platforms beginning on January 9, 2018
The 30th International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) will open on November 15 with the world première of Amal by Egyptian director Mohamed Siam.