BAD RAP, Documentary on Asian-American Rappers, Sets May 23rd Release Date | Trailer


Bad Rap, directed by Salima Koroma, follows the lives and careers of four Asian-American rappers – Dumbfoundead, Awkwafina, Rekstizzy, Lyricks – trying to get a break.  Bad Rap will be released nationwide on VOD, Tuesday, May 23 on all major platforms including iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, and Vudu. The film’s release is timed to Asian Cultural Heritage Month (May 2017).

Hip-hop culture has transcended many racial and cultural boundaries after its founding in the ’70s by African-American and Latino youth in the South Bronx. Since then, rappers have emerged as legitimate pop culture stars around the world and hip-hop’s global movement has become increasingly more diverse. Yet the face of rap in America remains primarily black, brown, and white.

Bad Rap follows the lives and careers of four Asian-American rappers trying to break into a world that often treats them as outsiders. Featuring dynamic live performance footage and revealing interviews, Bad Rap will turn the most skeptical critics into believers.

From the battle rhymes of crowd-favorite Dumbfoundead to the tongue-in-cheek songs of Awkwafina; the unapologetic visuals of Rekstizzy to the conflicted values of Lyricks – Bad Rap paints a memorable portrait of artistic passion in the face of an unsung struggle.

BAD RAP - Festival Trailer

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