Watch Mind-Bending Body Horror Film AWAIT FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS Trailer + Poster


Dark Sky Films released the official Poster and Trailer for the horror film Await Further Instructions from British director Johnny Kevorkian and co-starring David Bradley of Game Of Thrones,  Doctor Who, and Harry Potter fame. Await Further Instructions will open in theaters and on VOD October 5th .

It’s Christmas Day and the Milgram family wake to find a mysterious black substance surrounding their house. Something monumental is clearly happening right outside their door, but what exactly – an industrial accident, a terrorist attack, nuclear war? Descending into terrified arguments, they turn on the television, desperate for any information. On screen a message glows ominously: ‘Stay Indoors and Await Further Instructions’. As the television exerts an ever more sinister grip, their paranoia escalates into bloody carnage.

A powder keg of throat-grabbing intensity and mind-bending body horror, Await Further Instructions is an unmissable tour-de-force from rising star filmmaker Johnny Kevorkian and the BAFTA-nominated producer of God’s Own Country.

Await Further Instructions - Official Movie Trailer (2018)

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