THE FAVOURITE and ROADS IN FEBRUARY Lead Vancouver Film Critics’ Circles’ Awards Nominations

Roads in February (Les routes en février)
Roads in February (Les routes en février)

Yorgos Lanthimos’ The Favourite leads all films in the Vancouver Film Critics Circle’s international section with six nominations, and Katherine Jerkovic’s Roads in February leads all films in the Vancouver Film Critics’ Circles’ Canadian section with six nominations.

In the international section, Lanthimos’ delectable bodice ripper shares the Best Picture category with First Reformed, Paul Schrader’s pointed diagnosis of our ill-stricken times, and Alfonso Cuarón’s technically virtuosic and emotionally devastating Roma; Lanthimos, Schrader and Cuarón also assume their respective places in the Best Director category.

Burning, Roma and Shoplifters are up for Best Foreign Language Film, while Free Solo, Minding the Gap and Won’t You Be my Neighbor? are nominated for Best Documentary.

In the Canadian section, a wistful story about a young woman returning home to Uruguay after more than a decade away, Roads in February is nominated for Best Picture alongside Fausto, Andrea Bussmann’s loose adaptation of Goethe’s version of the Faust legend, and Edge of the Knife, co-directors Gwaai Edenshaw and Helen Haig-Brown’s 19th century epic, scripted entirely in two endangered Haida dialects (of which there are only 20-odd fluent speakers remaining). Jerkovic, Bussmann and Edenshaw and Haig-Brown are all nominated for Best Director, where they are joined by Philippe Lesage for Genesis.

The Best Canadian Documentary nominees are ANTHROPOCENE: The Human Epoch, The Museum of Forgotten Triumphs, and What Is Democracy?

2018 Vancouver Film Critics Circle Awards Nominations – International

The Favourite
The Favourite

Best Picture

The Favourite
First Reformed

Best Actor, Male

Ethan Hawke, First Reformed
Viggo Mortensen, Green Book
Christian Bale, Vice

Best Actor, Female

Melissa McCarthy, Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Olivia Colman, The Favourite
Regina Hall, Support the Girls

Best Supporting Actor, Male

Mahershala Ali, Green Book
Peter Bogdanovich, The Other Side of the Wind
Richard E. Grant, Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Steven Yeun, Burning

Best Supporting Actor, Female

Rachel Weisz, The Favourite
Emma Stone, The Favourite
Claire Foy, First Man

Best Director

Yorgos Lanthimos, The Favourite
Paul Schrader, First Reformed
Alfonso Cuarón, Roma

Best Screenplay

Bo Burnham, Eighth Grade
Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara, The Favourite
Paul Schrader, First Reformed

Best Foreign Language Film


Best Documentary

Free Solo
Minding the Gap
Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

2018 Vancouver Film Critics Circle Awards Nominations – Canadian

Best Picture

Edge of the Knife
Roads in February

Best Director

Gwaai Edenshaw and Helen Haig-Brown, Edge of the Knife
Andrea Bussmann, Fausto
Philippe Lesage, Genesis
Katherine Jerkovic, Roads in February

One to Watch

Akash Sherman, Clara
Jasmin Mozaffari, Firecrackers
Drew Lint, M/M
Katherine Jerkovic, Roads in February

Best Screenplay

Keith Behrman, Giant Little Ones
Zebulon Zang, N.O.N.
Katherine Jerkovic, Roads in February

Best Actor, Male

Tyler York, Edge of the Knife
Théodore Pellerin, Genesis
Josh Wiggins, Giant Little Ones

Best Actor, Female

Troian Bellisario, Clara
Michaela Kurimsky, Firecrackers
Arlen Aguayo Stewart, Roads in February
Jennifer Hardy, Spice It Up

Best Supporting Actor, Male

William Russ, Edge of the Knife
Pierre-Luc Brillant, The Fireflies Are Gone
Aaron Read, When the Storm Fades

Best Supporting Actor, Female

Gabrielle Rose, Kingsway
Gloria Demassi, Roads in February
Kayla Lorette, When the Storm Fades

Best Canadian Documentary

The Museum of Forgotten Triumphs
What Is Democracy?

Best BC Film

Edge of the Knife
This Mountain Life
When the Storm Fades

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