The Argentine film Trenque Lauquen by Laura Citarella won Best Latin American Film of 2023 at the 14th Cinema Tropical Awards.
The Trial (El juicio) (2023)
The Trial (El juicio) (2023)
The Argentine film Trenque Lauquen by Laura Citarella won Best Latin American Film of 2023 at the 14th Cinema Tropical Awards.
The Spanish drama The Rye Horn set in the rural Galicia of the 70s, directed by Jaione Camborda from San Sebastian, won the Golden Shell at San Sebastian Festival.
Films by Delphine Girard, Jean-Luc Godard will compete in 71st San Sebastian Festival’s Zabaltegi-Tabakalera open competition.
Berlin Film Festival 2023 unveiled titles selected for Berlinale Special, Series, Forum and Forum Expanded, along with the official poster.