For its 30th anniversary, New Orleans Film Festival will showcase a slate of 232 films and close with Harriet biopic, with award-winning Burning Cane by 19-year-old Phillip Youmans as Centerpiece.
Love Cuts (Reži)(2019)
DIRECTOR(S): Kosta Djordjevic
STARRING: Kristina Jovanović, Djururdjina Radić, Mladen Sovilj, Marko Janketic, Milan Cucilovic
GENRE: Drama Film
SYNOPSIS: It is a scorching August on the streets of Belgrade. A cocky teenage girl, Aja, breaks up with her boyfriend for the umpteenth time. A little while later, while hanging out with her friends, she gets bullied and stabbed by a gang of local kids. For the rest of the day Aja struggles between taking revenge and making up with her boyfriend.