SHOK Jamie Donoughue

The 2015 HollyShorts Awards winners are crowned, and Jamie Donoughue took home the Zype Best  Short Film Grand Prize and $15,000 Cash Prize for his short film called SHOK (pictured above).  SHOK is a short film set in Kosovo during the occupation in the 90’s.

The Grand Jury Award Presented by Company 3 went to Moon Molson for his short THE BRAVEST, THE BOLDEST. In THE BRAVEST, THE BOLDEST, two Army Casualty Notification Officers arrive at a Harlem housing project to deliver Sayeeda Porter some news about her son serving in the war in the Middle East. But whatever it is they have to say, Sayeeda ain’t trying to hear it.

Best Director went to Annie Silverstein for SKUNK.

Best Animation went to THE OCEANMAKER by Lucas Martell

Best VFX went to DISSONANCE by Till Nowak

Best Film Shot in LA presented by FilmLA went to TOM IN AMERICA by Flavio Alves

The Louisiana Film Prize a $10,000 prize for Best Screenplay went to THE IMPORTANCE OF SEX EDUCATION by L. Elizabeth Powers

The Evil Slave $10,000 and Screencraft $2000 Consulting Prize for Best Screenplay Award went to LUNCHBOX BRIGADE by Kyle Thiele


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