Sheffield Doc/Fest, which describes itself as “bringing the international documentary family together to celebrate the art and business of documentary making for five intense days in November” recently wrapped and announced its 2010 winners. “Pink Saris” bested nominees “12th & Delaware,” “The Embrace of The River,” “Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work,” “Marwencol,” “Nostalgia for the Light,” “Russian Lessons,’ and “Secrets of The Tribe” to take top prize for The Special Jury Award.
Pink Saris: “A girls life is cruel…A woman’s life is very cruel”, notes Sampat Pal, the complex protagonist at the centre of Kim Longinotto’s latest foray into the lives of exceptional women. Sampat Pal should know: like many others she was married as a young girl into a family which made her work hard and beat her often. But, unusually, she fought back, leaving her in-laws and eventually becoming famous as a champion for beleaguered women throughout Uttar Pradesh who are desperate to escape lives blighted by abuse, and a caste system still very much in evidence. In extraordinary scenes, we watch her launch herself into the centre of family dramas, witnessed by scores of spectators, convinced her mediation is the best path for these vulnerable girls. Her partner Babuji, who has watched Sampat Pal change over the years, is less certain…” source: SD/F
Sheffield International Documentary Festival Awards
The Special Jury Award: “Pink Saris,” Kim Longionotto
Special mention: “Nostalgia for the Light,” Patricio Guzman
The Sheffield Inspiration Award: Kim Longionotto
The BT Vision Sheffield Innovation Award: “The Arbor,” Clio Barnard
The Sheffield Green Doc Award: “Rainmakers,” Floris-Jan Luyn
The Sheffield Student Doc Award: “No Easy Time,” Will Woodward
The Sheffield Youth Jury Award: “The Battle for Barking,” Laura Fairrie
BCS Digital Revolutions Award, Amateur Category: “This Chair Is Not Me,” Andy Taylor-Smith
BSC Digital Revolutions Award, Professional Category: “The Scanner,” Edward McGown