The Indian medical community is upset with producers of the Bollywood film Guzaarish after posters were released showing the lead actress holding a cigarette. Doctors think it is sending a wrong message to the youth on smoking.

The medics are also reportedly upset with BEST, which is a government entity, for allowing such posters to be displayed on their vehicles. “We are going to write a letter to BEST and request the filmmakers to remove these posters immediately. Aishwarya Bachchan is a renowned actress and seeing her holding a cigarette may influence many young minds,” said oncologist, Dr Pankaj Chaturvedi from the Tata Memorial Hospital.

Doctors for You (DFY), a not-for-profit organisation, has decided to wear black badges on Guzaarish’s release date aa mark of protest.

Directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Guzaarish deals with the issue of euthanasia and features Bollywood superstars Aishwarya Bachchan and Hrithik Roshan. In the film Hrithik plays a paraplegic patient, while Aishwarya plays his nurse. The film also stars Aditya Roy Kapoor, Monikangana Dutta and Nafisa Ali.


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