Patrick Wang’s award-winning debut independent feature film In The Family returns to New York City’s Cinema Village on November 16. The  film has won multiple awards, including nomination for an Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature and filmmaker Patrick Wang was named one of “25 New Faces of Independent Film” in 2012 by Filmmaker Magazine.

In the film, Chip Hines (Sebastian Banes), a precocious and loving six year-old, only knows life with his two Dads, Cody Hines, his biological father, “Pa”, (soap sensation, Trevor St. John, ONE LIFE TO LIVE) and the kind and resourceful Joey Williams, “Dad” (writer-director Wang). Both men are embraced by Cody’s family and by their community of co-workers and friends. Caught up in the lapidary and subtle rhythms of their small, sophisticated Southern town, Martin, Tennessee, Cody teaches Junior High Math and Joey is a general contractor who has been supervising the restoration and preservation of a mansion owned by retired attorney Paul Hawks and his wife Marge (Susan Kellermann (BEETLEJUICE; 33 VARIATIONS)).

Suddenly their world is shattered when Cody is killed in a car accident. Gradually Joey and young Chip work to regroup and regain their balance until Joey learns that Cody’s Will, written six years earlier, was never amended to insure his position as Chip’s Dad; Cody had named his sister, Eileen, as Chip’s legal guardian, and Chip is taken away from Joey. When Joey objects, a restraining order is placed against him. Instantly Joey is without standing in a world he had trusted as safe, and rational, and loving.

Joey has the support of his friends, but the prospects are bleak until his client, Paul Hawks—in a towering performance by Brian Murray (American Theatre Hall of Fame; three-time Tony Award nominee)—guides Joey to the restoration and preservation of his broken world. Wang’s assured pacing and mise-en-scene are correlatives for Joey’s methodical pursuit of a way back to his son. As a consequence of this exquisite control, the audience has time to engage in his images and inhabit his story, and a profoundly personal experience emerges. Also joining the luminous ensemble are Peter Hermann (WAR HORSE; UNITED 93); Park Overall (EMPTY NEST; BILOXI BLUES); Kelly McAndrew (CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF); Elaine Bromka (UNCLE BUCK); Eisa Davis (PASSING STRANGE); and Gina Tognoni (GUIDING LIGHT).

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