A Última Vez que Vi Macau (The Last Time I Saw Macao)

The 16th Cine Las Americas International Film Festival to run from April 16 to 21, 2013 in Austin, Texas, will screen 54 feature films and 66 short films in 10 program sections

The festival will feature a selection of new films from North, Central, and South America, the Caribbean and the Iberian Peninsula. Films made by or about Latinos in the U.S. or the rest of the world, and films by or about indigenous groups of the Americas are also included in the program.

The lineup includes:

The New Releases section presents a selection of fifteen narrative and documentary features by the finest emerging and established filmmakers to audiences in Central Texas.

This selection highlights a diversity of themes, genres and styles characteristic of contemporary national and international cinema trends:

3 ­- Dir. Pablo Stoll Ward, Uruguay

A Última Vez que Vi Macau (The Last Time I Saw Macao) ­- Dir. João Pedro Rodrigues & João Rui Guerra da Mata, Portugal

Carrière, 250 metros (Carrière: 250 Meters) ­- Dir. Juan Carlos Rulfo, Mexico

Colegas (Buddies) Dir. Marcelo Galvão, Brazil

De jueves a domingo (Thursday till Sunday) ­- Dir. Dominga Sotomayor, Chile

Elefante blanco (White Elephant) ­- Dir. Pablo Trapero

Elefante blanco (White Elephant) ­- Dir. Pablo Trapero, Argentina

Hijos de las nubes: La última colonia (Sons of the Clouds) ­- Dir. Alvaro Longoria, Spain

La noche de enfrente (Night Across the Street) ­- Dir. Raúl Ruiz, Chile

Las acacias ­- Dir. Pablo Giorgelli, Argentina

Los mejores temas (Greatest Hits) ­- Dir. Nicolás Pereda, Mexico

O Som ao Redor (Neighboring Sounds) ­- Dir. Kleber Medonça Filho, Brazil

Path of Souls ­- Dir. Jeremy Torrie, Canada

Polvo (Dust) – Dir. Julio Hernández Cordón, Guatemala

Twenty features are included in the Narrative and Documentary competitive sections. The Narrative Feature Competition presents a selection of films from emerging and promising talent, including selections from all over the Americas and Spain in a variety of genre and form. The works screened in this category are eligible for both a jury award and an audience award for Best Narrative Feature:

Delusions of Grandeur Dir. Iris Almaraz, Gustavo Ramos, USA

Delusions of Grandeur Dir. Iris Almaraz, Gustavo Ramos, USA

El efecto K. El montador de Stalin (The K Effect. Stalin’s Editor)- Dir. Valenti Figueres Jorge, Spain

Estrella del Sur (Southern Star) – Dir. Gabriel González Rodríguez, Colombia

Hasta nunca – Dir. Mark Street, Uruguay/USA

I Am a Director – Dir. Javier Colón, Puerto Rico

La jubilada (The Retiree) – Dir. Jairo Boisier, Chile

La segunda muerte (The Second Death) – Dir. Santiago Fernández Calvete, Argentina

Mejor no hablar de ciertas cosas (Porcelain Horse) – Dir. Javier Andrade, Ecuador

Nos vemos, Papá (See You, Dad) – Dir. Lucia Carreras, Mexico

Nove Crônicas para um Coração aos Berros (Nine Chronicles for a Screaming Heart) – Dir. Gustavo Galvão, Brazil

The Documentary Feature Competition presents a selection of documentaries on a wide variety of topics, with the common thread of including themes and points of view that are underrepresented in popular media. The works screened in this category are eligible for both a jury award and an audience award for Best Documentary Feature:

Cuéntame de Bia (Tell me about Bia) – Dir. Andrea Franco, USA/Peru

El Alcalde (The Mayor) – Dir. Emiliano Altuna, Diego Enrique Osorno, Carlos Rossini, Mexico

El cuaderno de barro (The Clay Diaries) – Dir. Isaki Lacuesta, Spain

Goudougoudou – Dir. Pieter Van Eecke, Fabrizio Scapin, Belgium

Há Tourada na Aldeia (Facing the Bull’s Eyes) – Dir. Pedro Sena Nunes, Portugal

Habana muda – Eric Brach, France/Cuba

O Céu Sobre os Ombros (The Sky Above) – Dir. Sergio Borges

O Céu Sobre os Ombros (The Sky Above) – Dir. Sergio Borges, Brazil

Smoke Traders – Dir. Jeff Dorn, Catherine Bainbridge, Canada

Yo, indocumentada (I, Undocumented) – Dir. Andrea Baranenko, Venezuela

Young Lakota – Dir. Marion Lipschutz, Rose Rosenblatt, USA

The New Visions/Works in Progress section of the program includes two productions that are in the process of finalizing post-production, including one USA-Peru co-production and one film made in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas:

La navaja de Don Juan – Dir. Tom Sanchez, USA/Peru

Los Scavangers – Dir. Valente Rodriguez, USA

Feature films included in the Panorama selection represent a diverse array of important Narrative and Documentary feature films, which we consider essential to share with Central Texas audiences. Collectively, the films represent innovative and independent filmmakers in compliment to the rest of the features program; they showcase a variety of traditionally underrepresented cultures and issues, personal experiences, new perspectives and aesthetic innovation:

A Última Estação – Dir. Marcio Curi, Brazil

Calle del arte (A Street for the Arts) – Viviane Blumenschein, Germany/Venezuela

Campo abierto (Open Field) – Dir. Juan Carlos Martín, Mexico

Corazón del Cielo, Corazón de la Tierra (Heart of Earth, Heart of Sky)

Corazón del Cielo, Corazón de la Tierra (Heart of Earth, Heart of Sky) – Dir. Eric Enrico Black, Frauke Sandig, Germany/Mexico/Guatemala

El mal del sauce (The Evil Willow) – Dir. Sebastián Sarquís, Argentina

El sueño de Lu (The Dream of Lu) – Dir. Hari Sama, Mexico

Fraylandia (Frayland) – Dir. Ramiro Ozer Ami, Uruguay

Justicia para mi hermana (Justice for My Sister) – Kimberly Bautista, USA/Guatemala

La Montaña (The Mountain) – Dir. Tabaré Blanchard, Iván Herrera, Dominican Republic

Las cosas como son (Things the Way They Are) – Dir. Fernando Lavanderos, Chile

Mi amiga Bety (My Friend Bety) – Dir. Diana Garay, Mexico

My Village, My Lobster – Dir. Joshua Wolff , Nicaragua/USA

Niños de la memoria (Children of Memory) – Dir. María Teresa Rodríguez, USA

RUTZ – Global Generation Travel – Dir. António Caetano Faria, Macao/Portugal

Sosúa: Make a Better World – Dir. Peter Miller, Renée Silverman, USA

Hecho en Tejas, presents a series of films shot and/or produced in Texas, to showcase the wide variety of work being produced in the state by filmmakers with varied backgrounds. Two features as well as a selection of short films are scheduled during this year’s festival. For a fourth consecutive year, Cine Las Americas is pleased to announce the Texas Archive of the Moving Image (TAMI) award for the best Hecho en Tejas film. The two features scheduled for Hecho en Tejas this year include:

Blood Cousins – Dir. Regan Arevalos, Larry Garza, Jess Castro, Comedia A Go-Go, USA

Bordando la frontera (The Border) – Dir. Rene Rhi, Mexico/USA

As a celebration of filmmakers on the rise, Cine Las Americas will include the Emergencia Youth Film Competition, a special section of the festival showcasing filmmakers 19 years or younger.

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