The Canadian sci-fi horror film The Corrupted will be released this summer on DVD, VOD,by Eagle One Media. Directed by John Klappstein and Knighten Richman, The Corrupted, features Keltie Squires, Shaun Tisdale (Tucker and Dale vs. Evil), Ashley Tallas, Jeremy Hook, and Anuj Saraswat.

Shot in Alberta, Canada, The Corrupted was nominated for six (Alberta Media Production Industry Association) AMPIAS Awards including Best Feature, Best Special Effects, and Best Screenplay. 

The Corrupted is described as “Spring Break meets HP Lovecraft. Where it’s all fun and games…until someone gets infected.”

A man quietly strums his guitar at the edge of a tranquil lake in the middle of the night. Through the darkness a beautiful young woman emerges along the shoreline, silent and mysterious. She approaches and whispers
something into his ear. When she beckons, he has no choice but to follow. When his friends arrive for a weekend of partying, its obvious…something in him has changed. What did the woman tell him? Why does he seem so
distant? Where did she take him? The Corrupted is an intellectual sci-fi horror thriller feature film produced in Canada and directed by John Klappstein and Knighten Richman.

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