The Rugby Player

Documenting the years of transition which encompass his growth from awkward teen to daringly rebellious yet entertaining young man, Mark Bingham left the greatest momento to be appreciated for years to come, real life footage.  Always one to keep a video camera in tow he and his friends bonded over pranks, and slams, on the way to becoming productive members of society. However malicious they could be, there was always an angelic aura to the outcome, that being the leadership quality and authentic manner in which Mark Bingham lived his life.  The product of what many would call a broken home, Mark was not in the need of anything, the least bit-love; adored by his aunts and uncles whom always took active roles in his life Mark was like any other youth, exploring life on life terms.

A love of rugby for its forceful yet athletic way of play when he entered the latter years of high school career Mark devoted his time to being the consummate teammate. Landing a place at the University of Cal, Mark took his talents and personality to Berkley, aligning himself with other stellar young men. The son of Alice Holgan, Mark acquired his mothers leadership qualities and steadfast opinion never known as one to waver or talk out of both sides of his mouth.  A champion for the LGBT community, Mark found a way to stay true to himself; however apprehensive he was at first, he chose right over wrong. A captain in his fraternity house, he left his peers stunned by the revelation.  Eventual embrace and support the way that he has always known carries THE RUGBY PLAYER.  A tremendous capture of a life worth having been lived, the catastrophe of Flight 93 ,and the carnage / losses of lives and so much more that marks the infamous day, Sept 11th 2001.

The irony that exists in THE RUGBY PLAYER is amazing, beginning with his mothers career of flight attending; never in a million years would one expect this form of an outcome. Admirable as all is the foresight of Mark to for all intents and purposes deliver an autobiography of this magnitude.


THE RUGBY PLAYER (2013) Documentary

TRT: 80min | Color | 5.1 Surround | Unrated | English
Director/Producer: Scott Gracheff
Producer: Holly Million
Director of Photography/Producer: Chris Million
Editor: Manuel Adrian Tsingaris
Content Advisor: Todd Sarner


HBO© Audience Award for Best Documentary – Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival 2013
Audience Award for Best Documentary – Connecticut Gay & Lesbian Film Festival 2013
Celebration of Courage Award – Kansas City LGBT Film Festival 2013
“Honorable Mention” Audience Award category – Philadelphia QFest 2013

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