These Birds Walk directed by Omar Mullick and Bassam Tariq

THESE BIRDS WALK directed by Omar Mullick and Bassam Tariq, documents the struggles of street children in Karachi, Pak­istan, and the samaritans looking out for them. The film which had its world premiere at the 2013 True/False Film Festival and an Official Selection at the 2013 SXSW Film Festival and hot DOCS Canadian international documentary film festival, opened at the Village East Cinema in New York City on Friday November 1, 2013, with other cities to follow.

In Karachi, Pak­istan, a run­away boy’s life hangs on one crit­i­cal ques­tion: where is home? The streets, an orphan­age, or with the fam­ily he fled in the first place? Simul­ta­ne­ously heart-wrenching and life-affirming, THESE BIRDS WALK doc­u­ments the strug­gles of these way­ward street chil­dren and the samar­i­tans look­ing out for them in this ethe­real and inspi­ra­tional story of resilience.

Now playing – Village East Cinema, New York, NY 
11/08/2013 – Hippodrome, Gainesville, FL 
11/08/2013 – Roxy, Missoula, MT 
11/29/2013 – Laemmle Music Hall Los Angeles, CA

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