FRAMING THE OTHER directed by Willem Timmers and Ilja Kok

FRAMING THE OTHER directed by Willem Timmers and Ilja Kok

The Fargo Film Festival unveiled its official program of documentary shorts for the 2014 festival. FRAMING THE OTHER directed by Willem Timmers and Ilja Kok is announced as the winner of Best Documentary Short.  FRAMING THE OTHER is a short documentary about tourism and its complex relationships with indigenous communities.  It reveals the intriguing thoughts of a Mursi woman from Southern Ethiopia and that of a Dutch tourist as they prepare themselves for meeting each other.  This ultimately results in an awkward encounter. Duk County directed byJordan Campbell received an Honorable Mention.


Call Me Ehsaan (Micah Garen)

Cardboard Titanias (Sam Frazier, Jr.)

A Good Wife (Linda Brieda)

Haenyeo: Women of the Sea (Kevin Sawicki)

Herd in Iceland (Lindsay Blatt)

I Never Said I Wasn’t Happy (Sara Peak Convery)

Life Changing Moments (Sherry Thomas)

The No Name Painting Association (Joe Griffin)

The Pier (Chris Abernathy)

Sweet Crude Man Camp (Isaac Gale)

There She Is (Emily Sheskin)

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