documentary LAMBERT & STAMP directed by James D. Cooper

The documentary LAMBERT & STAMP directed by James D. Cooper has been added to the lineup for the 2014 Sundance Film Festival taking place January 16 to 26 in Park City, Salt Lake City, Ogden and Sundance, Utah, U.S.A., and the third Sundance London film and music festival taking place April 25 to 27 at The O2 in London. The screening in Utah in the Festival’s Documentary Premieres section will be the film’s world premiere, and the screening at Sundance London will be its UK premiere. LAMBERT & STAMP is the first film to be announced as part of the 2014 Sundance London program, and the full program for that festival will be announced in March.

LAMBERT & STAMP / U.S.A. (Director: James D. Cooper) — In this crazy, chaotic gospel of chance, aspiring filmmakers Chris Stamp and Kit Lambert set out to search for a subject for their underground movie, leading them to discover, mentor, and manage the iconic band known as The Who and create rock ‘n’ roll history.

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