THE BRAINWASHING OF MY DAD, directed by JEN SENKO (The Vanishing City), and an Official Selection of the Traverse City Film Festival 2015, and Cinequest Film Festival 2016, will opening theatrically in New York (Cinema Village) and Los Angeles (Laemmle Music Hall) on Friday, March 18.
As filmmaker, Jen Senko, tries to understand the transformation of her father from a non political, life-long Democrat to an angry, Right-Wing fanatic, she uncovers the forces behind the media that changed him completely: a plan by Roger Ailes under Nixon for a media takeover by the GOP, The Powell Memo urging business leaders to influence institutions of public opinion, especially the universities, the media and the courts, and under Reagan, the dismantling of the Fairness Doctrine.
As her journey continues, we discover that her father is part of a much broader demographic, and that the story is one that affects us all.
Through interviews with media luminaries, cognitive linguists, grassroots activist groups such as: Noam Chomsky, Steve Rendall, Jeff Cohen, Eric Boehlert, George Lakoff, STOP RUSH, HearYourselfThink, Claire Conner and others, “Brainwashing” unravels the plan to shift the country to the Right over the last 30 years, largely through media manipulation. The result has lead to fewer voices, less diversity of opinion, massive intentional misinformation and greater division of our country.
This documentary will shine a light on how it happened (and is still happening) and lead to questions about who owns the airwaves, what rights we have as listeners/watchers and what responsibility does our government have to keep the airwaves truly fair, accurate and accountable to the truth.
It’s truly horrible when a family member’s insanity (or even mere nuttiness) causes internal conflict. However, after some quick research, it appears to me that it was instead Jen Senko who likely became brainwashed into a low-thinking LibTard:
[Jen Senko quoting Luntz] “…unabashedly reveals how he polls plebes for keywords that frighten them the most and points out how Fox News anchors use hand gestures to subliminally connect with their viewers.”
“Subliminal hand gestures”? REALLY?
I never listen to Rush, and I often watch MSNBC (CBS, NBC, ABC, etc) in an attempt to hear all sides, and in my opinion there is a lot of spin occurring from every media source. Poor Jen is so brainwashed that all she is now capable of doing is railing in knee-JERK fashion against conservative Americans (using her own dear father as a proxy), when there is ample blame to be spread around since the liberal perspective likewise makes many (honest) mistakes, as well as often engaging in obvious propaganda deception.
In Jen Senko’s idealized world, opposing viewpoints that conflict with Jen’s political perceptions should be categorically ridiculed and thus suppressed without even considering if another point of view has any actual merits.
I hope Jen’s father is doing OK, because I sense some ongoing psychological elder abuse happening here.
Dad, it ain’t you, it’s her!