The horror film Housewife, directed by Can Evrenol (Baskin), who also co-wrote the film with Cem Özüduru, and starring Clementine Poidatz (Shut-In) and David Sakurai (Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald), has been acquired by RLJE Films. RLJE Films plans to release the film in the fall of 2018.

In Housewife, young Holly’s sister and father are killed by her frantic mother. Years later, Holly is married, lonely, and her life is soon about take a turn for the ultra-weird, when she visits the leader of the “Umbrella of Love and Mind.”

Housewife had its world premiere at L’Etrange Festival in France and was an official selection at the SITGES International Film Festival, Brooklyn Horror Film Festival and the Vancouver, Portland and Denver International Film Festivals, winning “Best Director” award at Melbourne’s MonsterFest.

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