The documentary short film The Family Business: Trump and Taxes follows a team of New York Times investigative reporters through their diligent and intense efforts in uncovering the information that led to this exclusive report. Directed by Emmy(R) nominee Jenny Carchman and produced by Oscar(R) nominees Liz Garbus and Justin Wilkes of THE FOURTH ESTATE, SHOWTIME is offering the documentary short film for free online and across multiple platforms.

Embedded for more than a year inside The New York Times, Carchman and her film crew trail Times investigative reporters David Barstow, Russell Buettner and Susanne Craig as they expose the untold story of how Donald Trump became rich. Mr. Trump has proclaimed himself to be a self-made billionaire but what these reporters found offers a very different account, based on tens of thousands of pages of financial documents they obtained, including more than 200 Trump family tax returns.

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