
Russian Film Week in New York – the showcase of independent and commercial films that represents the dynamic landscape of Russian filmmaking today returns to New York City December 8 to 14, 2018 at the SVA Theatre (333 W 23rd St, Manhattan). The events will include film screenings, discussions and Q&As with renowned Russian film directors, actors, and producers, as well as panels with journalists, and VIP receptions.

This year, the festival’s diverse program of 14 films includes Russia’s submission for the 2019 Academy Awards®, SOBIBOR, directed by, and starring, Konstantin Khabensky; ANNA KARENINA: VRONSKY’S STORY, directed by Karen Shakhnazarov; dramatic biopic THE STORY OF ONE APPOINTMENT, directed by Avdotya Smirnova; documentary film INTO_NATION OF BIG ODESSA, directed by Susanna Alperina, and many other new works that represent the broad spectrum of contemporary Russian cinema. Visiting filmmakers and actors include filmmaker Alexey Uchitel, founder of Rock Studio Films; directors Karen Shakhnazarov, Olya Zueva, Susanna Alperina, and many others.

2018 Russian Film Week in New York Film Screenings

The Fixies: Top Secret – Animated film by Vasiko Bedoshvili, Andrei Kolpin and Ivan Pshonkin

Into_Nation of Big Odessa – Documentary film by Susanna Alperina. Director in person

The Story of One Appointment – Drama. Directed by Avdotya Smirnova. Director in person

Anna Karenina: Vronsky’s Story – Drama. Directed by Karen Shakhnazarov. Director in person

Hoffmaniada – Animated film by Stanislav Sokolov

I Am Losing Weight – Comedy. Directed by Aleksey Nuzhny

Eternal Life of Alexander Christoforov – Comedy. Directed by Yevgeny Shelyakin. Director in person

How Viktor “the Garlic” Took Alexey “ the Stud” to the Nursing Home – Dark Comedy. Directed by Aleksandr Khant

The Coach – Drama. Directed by and starring Danila Kozlovsky. Starring Olya Zueva; produced by Nikita Mikhalkov. Director and actress in person

Elephants Can Play Football – Drama. Directed by Mikhail Segal

Unforgiven – Drama. Directed by Sarik Andreasyan with Dmitry Nagiyev

In The Hood – Drama. Directed by Olya Zueva, starring Danila Kozlovsky. Director and actor in person

Sobibor – Drama. Directed by and starring Konstantin Khabensky

Yolki Posledniye – Drama. Directed by Timur Bekmambetov, Anna Parmas, Egor Branov, Alexander Kott

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