
The powerful Sundance drama Holiday follows young trophy girlfriend Sascha as she leaves the sidelines to take center stage in a story that looks sun-kissed, fun, and sexy until the tables are turned – much like its central character. 

Holiday directed by Isabella Eklöf, and starring Victoria Carmen Sonne -Sascha, Lai Yde – Michael, Thijs Römer – Thomas, Bo Brønnum – Bo ,Stanislav Sevcik – Karsten, Morten Hemmingsen – Jens, Mill Jober-Maria, Laura Kjær -Tanja, AdamIld Rohweder – Musse, Saxe Rankenberg Frey – Emil, Yuval Segal – Bobby, and Michiel de Jong – Frederik will be released on DVD/VOD on February 26.

Young and beautiful Sascha discovers her dream life of luxury, recklessness and fun comes at a price when she is welcomed into the “family” of her drug lord boyfriend at his holiday villa in the port city of Bodrum on the Turkish Riveria. Physical and psychological violence are a way of life for this gangster family, but when the velvet veneer is stripped raw to the bone, Sascha’s eye drifts towards the “normal” life she is leaving behind–is it possible she could still be accepted by polite society?

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