The new trailer debuted for director Alexandre Franchi’s award-winning thriller Happy Face which hits theaters on January 1, 2021 and digital on January 5, 2021. The film stars Robin L’Homeau, Alison Midstokke, E.R. Ruiz, Debbie Lynch-White, and Dean Perseo.
Estranged from his manipulative cancer-stricken mother, Stan, a quixotic 19-year-old, dons a disguise and joins a therapy workshop for disfigured patients in a misguided attempt to reconnect with her. But when his deception is revealed, Stan, who is desperate to gain coping skills to care for his disease-ravaged mother, offers the afflicted patients a bargain: he stays with the group, and in exchange he teaches them how feel good about themselves : by using their “ugliness” as a weapon against our beauty-obsessed culture.