Julia Child on the set of her cooking show, 'The French Chef.
Julia Child on the set of her cooking show, ‘The French Chef. Photo by Fairchild Archive/Penske Media/Shutterstock (6906383b) Julia Child, Boston

Sony Pictures Classics will release the documentary Julia from award-winning filmmakers Julie Cohen and Betsy West (RBG) in theaters in New York and Los Angeles on November 5, expanding throughout the month.

Julia tells the story of Julia Child, the legendary cookbook author and television superstar who changed the way Americans think about food, television, and women’s roles in American life. Using never-before-seen archival footage, personal photos, first-person narratives, and cutting-edge, mouth-watering food cinematography, the film traces Julia Child’s surprising and empowering path, from her struggles to create and publish the revolutionary Mastering the Art of French Cooking, which has sold more than 2.5 million copies to date, to her emergence as an unlikely television sensation in her fifties.

The film illuminates Julia Child’s casual upheaval of the male-dominated culinary and television worlds, as she almost single-handedly crashed the ‘boys’ party’ at the highest levels of creative gastronomy, shattering established notions that the only women Americans wanted to see on TV were young, submissive, and conventionally beautiful.

Watch the trailer for Julia.

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