My Imaginary Country (Mi país imaginario) trailer
My Imaginary Country (Mi país imaginario) directed by Patricio Guzmán

Icarus Films dropped a new trailer for My Imaginary Country (Mi país imaginario), the documentary on the 2019 protests in Chile by Chile’s master documentarian Patricio Guzmán, which premiered to standing ovations at the Cannes Film Festival last May.

My Imaginary Country will premiere as part of TIFF Docs at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival, followed by an exclusive engagement at IFC Center in New York City beginning on Friday, September 23, at the Laemmle Monica Center in Los Angeles on September 30, as well as in Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco also on that date.

In October 2019, without warning, a revolution exploded across Chile. It was an event that Guzmán had been waiting for since 1973, when a violent military attack overthrew the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende, and became the ending of Guzman’s most famous film, and one of the greatest documentaries of all time, The Battle of Chile.

Now, millions of people took to the streets of Santiago and across the country, demanding economic justice, free education, and health care and fundamentally, a new constitution.

Featuring harrowing front-line protest footage and interviews with dynamic activists – of a movement largely led by women and feminist leaders – My Imaginary Country powerfully, yet elegantly connects Chile’s complex, bloody history to the country’s contemporary social movements, and leading to the recent election of a new president.

The IFC Center will commemorate the “other” September 11 as well as the incredible arc and accomplishment of Guzmán’s work over more than fifty years by accompanying its presentation of My Imaginary Country with screenings of his earlier films, including The Battle of Chile, which itself premiered in Cannes in 1975.

Watch the trailer for My Imaginary Country (Mi país imaginario). | Watch a clip from My Imaginary Country

My Imaginary Country (Mi país imaginario) release dates:

Theatrical dates confirmed (more cities TBA)
New York, NY:
Opens Friday, September 23 at the IFC Center
Los Angeles, CA: Opens Friday, September 30 at Laemmle’s NoHo 7
San Francisco, CA: Opens Friday, September 30 at the Roxie Theater
Boston, MA: Opens Friday, September 30 at The Brattle
Chicago, IL: Opens Friday, October 7 at Gene Siskel Film Center
Minneapolis, MN: Opens Friday, October 21 at MSP Film at The Main
Iowa City, IA: Opens Friday, October 21 at Film Scene
Seattle, WA: Opens Wednesday, October 26 at Northwest Film Forum

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