The LA Premiere of Canadian director Patricia Chica’s directorial debut Montréal Girls is the closing night film of the 2022 Los Angeles International Film Festival. The story follows Ramy, a Middle-Eastern young man’s turbulent journey and his quest for love and enlightenment while discovering his true calling along the way.
Montréal Girls stars newcomer Hakim Brahimi, as well as Jasmina Parent, Jade Hassouné, Sana Asad, Nahéma Ricci, Manuel Tadros, Natalie Tannous, Chadi Alhelou, Thomas Vallières, Simon Therrien, Guillaume Rodrigue, Marina Harvey and Martin Dubreuil
“Montréal Girls is an inspiring film that deals with topics very relevant in today’s society,” says LAIFF’s festival director Natasha Marburger. “We loved the film and we are certain our LA audiences will too,” she adds.
The Premiere and Closing Night event will be held at the Laemmle Theatre/Monica Film Centre in Santa Monica on Sunday, November 6th at 7pm PT. Director Patricia Chica, co-writer Kamal John Iskander, and lead stars Hakim Brahimi, Jasmina Parent, and Jade Hassouné as well as the crew and other local talents are scheduled to attend.
Watch a trailer clip of Montréal Girls.