From filmmakers Jack Porter Lofton and Jeff Dailey, The ‘Vous is a fascinating documentary on the people behind Memphis BBQ institution The Rendezvous. The film will make its New York debut at DOC NYC 2022.
Celebrating its 70th year, the world-famous Memphis BBQ Institution and celebrity attraction The Rendezvous faces unprecedented change as the legendary waiters retire and the “family” business moves into a third generation. The film explores the culture, politics, music, and societal struggles that embody Memphis’ rich history.
With Barack Obama, Justin Timberlake and Peyton Manning among its notable clientele, The Rendezvous has fed three generations of customers its legendary Memphis barbecue. While the aroma of ribs and pork shoulder are a powerful draw, this city institution, founded by Greek restaurateurs, is famous for the personalities and impeccable service and of its mostly Black waitstaff. As its long-time career waiters hang up their aprons the ownership and its staff contemplate the future of the landmark family restaurant. –Brandon Harrison, DOC NYC Program – American Lives Section
Watch the first trailer for The ‘Vous.