Here is the official trailer for The Strange Case of Jacky Caillou, the French fantasy drama starring Thomas Parigi, Edwige Blondiau, Lou Lampros, Jean-Louise Coulloc’h.
Directed by filmmaker Lucas Delangle, the film an Official Selection at Fantastic Fest, opens in theaters in NY and LA on April 7, followed by dvd and digital on April 11.
When Jacky’s grandmother, a renowned healer, suddenly passes away and a particularly compelling young woman with a mysterious rash arrives on his doorstep, he has no choice but to stay and try to help. As her condition worsens, it becomes clear that she’s afflicted with no ordinary illness. She’s transforming into something dangerous before his eyes, but he’s already in too deep to abandon her.
Watch the official trailer for The Strange Case of Jacky Caillou