Brainstorm Media revealed the official trailer for T.I.M. (Technologically Integrated Manservant), the sci-fi AI thriller, starring Georgina Campbell (Barbarian), Eamon Farren (The Witcher), Mark Rowley (The Last Kingdom), and Amara Karan (Doctor Who).
In the film, Georgina Campbell stars as Prosthetics engineer ABI working on her company’s latest product, the A.I. humanoid T.I.M.. Programmed to serve only her, it leads to a dangerous obsession.
Release Date
Directed by British filmmaker Spencer Brown making his feature film debut, T.I.M. opens in theaters and on demand with a release date of January 12, 2024.
An engineer begins work on her company’s latest product, an A.I. humanoid called T.I.M. – Technologically. Integrated. Manservant. Things take a turn for the worse when T.I.M.’s servient programming leads to a dangerous obsession with her.
Calling the film an ‘unnerving AI thriller’ in their review, BFI Sound and Sight wrote, “In a script co-written with Sarah Govett, Brown neatly combines two discrete modes of thriller. First there is the (bunny)boiler plate of an erotic thriller in which a jealous interloper attempts to destroy a fragile marriage, graduating from manipulative subversion to actual violence – a Fatal A(.I.)ttraction, if you will, for the digital age. No matter what else it might be, T.I.M. is always a domestic love triangle, with Abi caught between two men who, for all their differences, have both at some point deceived her. Second, this is technophobic sci-fi, as Abi and Paul see the online access that they more or less reluctantly cede to T.I.M. now being weaponised against them, with their manservant controlling their wired-up house, their driverless car, and their very access to information that he is capable of fabricating in real time.”
Official Trailer
Watch the official trailer for T.I.M.