Based on the true story of a deep-sea diving accident in 2012, Last Breath is a new drama/thriller film from director Alex Parkinson, who previously directed a documentary on the same subject under the same title in 2019. The film follows a team as they attempt a daring rescue of a team member whose umbilical cable was severed, leaving him trapped under the deep sea.
Last Breath stars Woody Harrelson, Simu Liu, Finn Cole, Cliff Curtis and Djimon Hounsou.
Release Date
Directed by Alex Parkinson, Last Breath opens in US theaters on February 28, 2025.
A heart-pounding film that follows seasoned deep-sea divers as they battle the raging elements to rescue their crewmate trapped hundreds of feet below the ocean’s surface. Based on a true story, Last Breath is an electrifying story about teamwork, resilience, and a race against time to do the impossible.
Official Trailer
Watch the official trailer for Last Breath.
Here is the trailer to the original documentary Last Breath.