The post-apocalyptic love story Love Me starring Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun, is the feature film directorial debut from co-directors Sam and Andy Zuchero. The film which world premiered last year at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival under the U.S. Dramatic Competition program, follows a unique story in which a buoy and a satellite meet and fall in love long after the extinction of humanity.
Release Date
Directed by Sam Zuchero and Andy Zuchero, Love Me opens in select US theaters on January 31, 2025.
In a story that spans billions of years, a buoy and a satellite meet online long after humanity’s extinction. As they learn what life was like on Earth, they discover themselves and what it means to be alive and in love. In this groundbreaking first feature from directors Sam and Andy Zuchero, Love Me explores contemporary topics surrounding technology and identity, though at its heart is a simple, emotionally resonant tale of transformation. Thrillingly utilizing filmmaking techniques from live-action, practical animatronics, classic animation and game engines, and anchored in enthralling performances by Stewart and Yeun, Love Me culminates in the longest-spanning love story ever told.
Alejandra Martinez in a TheWrap review praised the film, writing, “It’s a sweeping, sweet and unique romance that works across different mediums to deliver something thoughtful that isn’t afraid to wear its heart on its sleeve.”
Brian Tallerico in a review wrote, “Stewart and Yeun are typically great, finding ways to make their progression from tech to human feel real, but “Love Me” too often feels like an idea in search of a movie.”
Official Trailer
Watch the official trailer for Love Me.