The Full Frame Documentary Film Festival announced the World Premiere of “The Loving Story,” directed and produced by Nancy Buirski, Full Frame’s founder. Buirski helmed the Festival from 1998 through 2007. “The Loving Story” will be featured as a Center Frame program at the 2011 Festival and will be presented outside of competition. The film chronicles the little known but significant civil rights battle of Richard and Mildred Loving, an interracial couple arrested in Virginia […]
Full Frame Documentary Film Festival
NAME OF FESTIVAL: Full Frame Documentary Film Festival
SINCE: 1997
WHERE: Durham, North Carolina
The Full Frame Documentary Film Festival is an annual international event dedicated to the theatrical exhibition of nonfiction cinema. Each spring, Full Frame welcomes filmmakers and film lovers from around the world to historic downtown Durham, North Carolina, for a four-day, morning-to-midnight array of nearly 100 films, as well as discussions, panels, and Southern hospitality. Set within a few city blocks, the intimate festival landscape fosters community and conversation among filmmakers, film professionals, and the public.
Full Frame Documentary Film Festival