Little Chief, a narrative short film directed by Indigenous filmmaker Erica Tremblay (Seneca-Cayuga), will world premiere as part of the Shorts Selection at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival.
Short Films
Short Films
Little Chief, a narrative short film directed by Indigenous filmmaker Erica Tremblay (Seneca-Cayuga), will world premiere as part of the Shorts Selection at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival.
Sundance Film Festival announced the works selected across the Indie Episodic, Shorts and Special Events sections of the 2020 Festival.
The Intercept released “Drowning by Sunrise,” a short documentary focused on an investigation into the death of 16-year-old Damain Martin in Broward County, Florida.
21 short films will compete in the Ammodo Tiger Short Competition at the International Film Festival Rotterdam including 15 world premieres.
The mystical award-winning short film The Cunning Man, directed by Zoë Dobson will celebrate its Latin-American premiere at the renowned genre film festival Morbido.
The European Film Academy announced the five short films nominated for the award category European Short Film 2019.
The first-ever Shortie Film Festival showcasing independent and international films 30 minutes or less, will be held October 3rd and 4th 2019 in Brooklyn, New York.
The bloody psychological thriller short film Glass Cabin, written and directed by Can Türedi, will World Premiere at the horror film festival Screamfest LA.
Katherine and Nick North’s short documentary film, Just Another Beautiful Family, follows their own family of 7, which on the surface looks like a typical suburban family, with a twist: Nick is transgender.
Ten short films have been selected as finalists for the Juried Short Film competition at the 2019 Martha’s Vineyard International Film Festival.
The Toronto International Film Festival celebrates diversity with 35 international short films rounding out its Short Cuts lineup, including Nimic, a drama by Yorgos Lanthimos starring Matt Dillon.
HollyShorts Film Festival announced their top prizes for their landmark 15th year with “Balloon,” starring PEN15’s Jonah Beres taking home the Best Short Film Grand Prix.