The documentary film “THE TALE OF AN PHUC HOUSE” which follows the everyday lives of twenty disabled children – third generation victims of the Agent Orange warfare that occurred during the Vietnam War ( 1963-1973), has its World Premiere at the 2013 New York City International Film Festival (NYCIFF) where it is nominated for NYCIFF’s Best Feature Documentary Film.

Directed by Ivan Tankushev, known for his work in animation on shows such as Arthur and Family Guy, the film is described as an objective video tale about the simple life of twenty exceptional young adults – living in a small house near Saigon. In the past six years under the supervision of their adopted father, those children, surviving and living with dignity and pride – an amazing example for anyone with similar physical conditions.

Mr. Quang -“The Father”, founded “An Phuc” in 2006 with the intention to create jobs and find a roof tor those physically disabled boys and girls – most of whom are a third generation Vietnamese , claimed or awaiting to be recognize as Agent Orange victims. Not an easy task to certified those children with such an official Governmental recognition; nor small financial, mental and physical responsibility to take care of them. Nevertheless, in the past six years Mr.Quang is doing just that. He not only dedicates his everyday life to those disables young adults but helps them to become self-respected, financially independent and better human beings.

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