The 13th Tallgrass Film Festival taking place October 14 to 18, 2015, announced the full schedule of 203 films (54 features, 149 short films). Gala selections include the Opening Night film, Adam and Aaron Nees’ comedy BAND OF ROBBERS and the Closing Night selection of Ian and Eshom Nelms’ comedy WAFFLE STREET, bookending Valerie Weiss’ A LIGHT BENEATH THEIR FEET which will screen as the Stubbornly Independent competition winner. Aaron and Adam Nee’s BAND OF […]
Blood Sweat and Beer
DIRECTOR(S): Chip Hiden, Alexis Irvin
GENRE: Documentary Film
SYNOPSIS: This documentary exploring the explosive growth of the craft beer industry and the struggles of two start-up breweries. Inspired by America’s artisanal food and drink revolution, over 1,000 entrepreneurs plan to open breweries this coming year. However, many industry experts predict that a craft beer ‘bubble’ burst is imminent. Can every new brewery succeed? Or, will tight margins, a crowded marketplace, and limited shelf space force some newcomers to go belly-up? This isn’t just a movie about beer – it’s a movie about the American dream, and the entrepreneur’s journey from blueprint to brewery.