Opening Night Film, “A Ballerina’s Tale” documentary directed by Nelson George, examines African-American ballerina Misty Copeland’s prodigious rise.
Since: The Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103
Since: The Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103
Opening Night Film, “A Ballerina’s Tale” documentary directed by Nelson George, examines African-American ballerina Misty Copeland’s prodigious rise.
John Singleton and Chris Cooper will receive the Extraordinary Contribution to Film and Acting Awards, respectively, at the 2015 Awards Luncheon at the 22nd Austin Film Festival & Screenwriters Conference (AFF). The festival runs October 29-November 5. Singleton will present a retrospective screening of Boyz n the Hood at the 2015 AFF, for which he was nominated for an Academy Award® for Best Director and Best Original Screenplay in 1991. Cooper will be in attendance for the AFF […]