Mediha, a heartfelt and intimate documentary of a teenage Yazidi girl, recently returned from ISIS captivity, opens the 28th Human Rights Watch Film Festival in London.
Summer Qamp (2023)
Summer Qamp (2023)
Mediha, a heartfelt and intimate documentary of a teenage Yazidi girl, recently returned from ISIS captivity, opens the 28th Human Rights Watch Film Festival in London.
The U.S. Premiere of Wicked Little Letters directed by Thea Sharock will open the 35th Palm Springs International Film Festival.
Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person won the Grand Jury Prize – Emerging Canadian Artist Award at the 2023 Calgary International Film Festival.
31st Hamptons International Film Festival unveiled the full lineup of films with Bradley Cooper’s Maestro as closing night film.
Calgary International Film Festival 2023 unveiled the films in competition for Canadian Narrative and Documentary Feature Awards.
The World Premiere of Copa 71 from Rachel Ramsay and James Erskine will open Toronto International Film Festival’s TIFF Docs program featuring 22 titles.