The Blonde One (Un Rubio) (2019)


DIRECTOR(S): Marco Berger

STARRING: Alfonso Barón, Justo Calabria, Antonia De Michelis

GENRE: Drama Film

SYNOPSIS: Things grow hot and heavy between roommates Gabriel and Juan in this steamy, heartfelt film from acclaimed Argentinian director, Marco Berger (Plan B; Absent; Taekwondo). Gabriel is attracted to his roommate and co-worker, Juan. But what chance does Gabriel have, given the number of women streaming in and out of Juan’s bedroom? Overcoming his shyness, Gabriel takes a risk and makes the first move. To his surprise, he finds Juan eagerly responsive. But as their relationship intensifies, Juan wonders if he can give Gabriel what he wants—to bring their relationship out into the open. Marco Berger sets the story in the characters’ everyday lives, and shows subtle signals of attraction as well as the pervasive homophobia and machismo that impacts Gabriel and Juan’s deepening love.