The Academy announced feature films eligible for Animated, Documentary and International Feature Film categories for the 93rd Academy Awards.
The Donut King (2020)
The Donut King (2020)
The Academy announced feature films eligible for Animated, Documentary and International Feature Film categories for the 93rd Academy Awards.
The 2020 Milwaukee Film Festival runs all-virtual with 197 film titles. Opening the festival is “I Used to Go Here” directed by Kris Rey.
The 12th Annual Naples International Film Festival will open with Alice Gu’s award-winning documentary The Donut King.
Urbanworld Film Festival announced the 2020 winners, with The Killing of Kenneth Chamberlain, winning the award for Best Narrative Feature.
David Oyelowo’s feature directorial debut, The Water Man, will open the virtual 24th Annual Urbanworld Film Festival on September 23.
The 43rd Asian American International Film Festival taking place completely online for the first time, announced its feature film lineup.
This year’s 15th edition of Martha’s Vineyard International Film Festival will open with the documentary The Donut King.
Sidewalk Film Festival announced the complete lineup of 163 films for this year’s All Drive-in Edition of the Birmingham-based festival.
Bentonville Film Festival announced the 2020 jury prize winners, with Isabel Sandoval’s “Lingua Franca” winning the award for Best Narrative Feature.
The 2020 Bentonville Film Festival announced their spotlight and competition program of independent feature films, shorts, and episodic titles.
The 2020 Sun Valley Film Festival which was cancelled due to Covid-19, still awarded numerous prizes and mentorship opportunities to independent filmmakers.
The 2020 SXSW which was cancelled due to concerns surrounding Covid-19, announced the 2020 Jury and Special Award winners.