Recycling Life: I Found Dostoevski in the Garbage

The 16th Boston Turkish Arts and Culture Festival Documentary and Short Film Competition announced its winners and this year’s Best Short Film Award of the jury is split between Güçlü Yaman’s “Journey of No Return – Last Stop Frankfurt Airport” (Dönüşü Olmayan Yolculuk – Son Durak Frankfurt Havaalanı), and “Death” (Ölüm), co-directed by Uygar Şirin and Burcu Aykar Şirin.

Best Documentary Award is also split between two films; “Recycling Life: I Found Dostoevski in the Garbage” (Çöpte Dostoyevski Buldum) by Enis Rıza, and “In Out” by Zeynep Merve Uygun.

Audience Award in the short film category went to Güçlü Yaman’s “Journey of No Return – Last Stop Frankfurt Airport” (Dönüşü Olmayan Yolculuk – Son Durak Frankfurt Havaalanı) while Ahmet Turgut Yazman’s “Göbeklitepe: The World’s First Temple” (Göbeklitepe: Dünyanın İlk Tapınağı) received the Audience Award in the documentary category.

This year’s competition has also recognized a number of films through Special Mentions. Short films receiving Special Mentions are; “Adam’s Well” (Adem’in Kuyusu) by Veysel Cihan Hızar’s, “Ali Ata Bak” by Orhan İnce, “Hamam” by Tunç Sahin, “Milk” (Süt) by Ayşegül Şahinbozkır, “Love is Blind” (Direk Aşk) by Ertuğ Tüfekçioğlu, and “Wedlock” (İzdivaç) by Azime Kanal. In the documentaries category, “Bodies without Soul” (Bedensiz Ruhlar) by Sabite Kaya, “Figures in the Water” (Sudaki Suretler) by Erkal Tülek, “Great Lovers” (Büyükaşık’lar) by Nagihan Çakar, “On the Road” (Yollarda/Unterwegs) by Sabine Küper-Büsch and Thomas Büsch, and “The Other Town” (Öteki Kasaba) by Nefin Dinç received the Special Mentions.

Boston Turkish Arts and Culture Festival is organized annually since 1996 with the theme “Colors of Anatolia”, comprising of a wide range of events including exhibitions, concerts, film competition, as well as a food and wine event.


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