The French drama film, Domain (Domaine), that explores the perversely close relationship between a magnetic and alcoholic woman and her 17-year-old nephew who is coming to terms with his sexuality, opens an exclusive San Francisco engagement February 3 at SF Film Society Cinema.

This moody, contemplative drama explores the unusually intimate relationship between an aunt and her nephew. Nadine (Betty Blue’s Béatrice Dalle), a single mathematician in her 40s, is struggling with alcoholism. She’s worldly, educated, wild and mischievous and she dazzles young Pierre with captivating stories from her past on their daily walks through the park. With suspenseful restraint, first-time filmmaker Patric Chiha reveals the story, allowing room for silence, facial expressions and body language to do their work. Dalle is mesmerizing throughout, matched by newcomer Isaïe Sultan’s compelling work as Pierre. Selected by John Waters as his favorite film of 2010. Written by Patric Chiha. Photographed by Pascal Poucet. With Béatrice Dalle, Isaïe Sultan, Alain Libolt, Sylvie Rohrer. In French with subtitles. 108 min. Distributed by Strand Releasing.


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