Palm Springs, CA – BEAUTY FACTORY, which will have its world premiere at this year’s American Documentary Film Festival, follows five Venezuelan contestants over the course of four months as they compete for the coveted Miss Venezuela Crown; offering an intimate look into the world of beauty, and the sometimes-ugly things people do to be part of it.

Venezuela has won more international beauty pageants than any other country. With 6 Miss International Crowns, 6 Miss World Crowns, and 6 Miss Universe Crowns, what is it that makes Venezuelan beauty queens so special? This film takes viewers behind the scenes as the girls are told how much weight to lose, how big their breasts need to be, what diet they need to follow, how long their hair should be and what color it should be, what gym routine they should follow, and even what plastic surgeries they should have prior to competing. For many of the contestants, the ultimate goal isn’t the Miss Venezuela crown, or even the Miss Universe crown. These are smart, savvy women who are using their beauty as the launching pad for something greater.  BEAUTY FACTORY is a film about Female empowerment, with some positive twists.

For Tickets and/or More Information,

The American Documentary Film Festival
April 4-8, 2013

Camelot Theatres
2300 E Baristo Road
Palm Springs, CA 92262

Cinemark Century Theatres at The River
71800 Hwy 111Suite A-137
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270


via: American Documentary Film Festival

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