THE SPECTACULAR NOW,” directed by James Ponsoldt, won the Grand Jury Feature category, and Vivienne Roumani’s “OUT OF PRINT” won top honors in the Grand Jury Documentary category at the 2013 deadCENTER Film Festival. THE SPECTACULAR NOW is a “sharply witty coming-of-age story” of youth confronting the funny, thrilling and perilous business of modern love and adulthood. OUT OF PRINT is “a thoughtful look into the impact of the digital revolution” with testimonials from authors, entrepreneurs, and educators alike highlighting how the digital revolution is changing every aspect of the printed word – and how it’s changing us.

Winners also included:

Special Jury Feature: “WORM”

Special Jury Short: “Running Deer”

Okie Feature: “Home, James”

Okie Short: “Sherman & Pacifico”

Narrative Short: “Black Metal”

Documentary Short: “This is Normal”

Screenplay: “Uterus Chat”

Student Film: “The Treehouse”

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