On July 11, GLIDE’s Legacy Committee of young professionals will host its third GLIDE Social Justice Film Festival. The festival is an evening of thought-provoking documentary shorts, filmed and produced by local artists, that demonstrate the resilience and grace of the human spirit and reflect GLIDE’s 50-year legacy of serving, uplifting and advocating for the most marginalized among us. The film festival will take place at PianoFight in San Francisco’s Tenderloin. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased on Eventbrite.
“This film festival uniquely demonstrates the resilience and grace of the human spirit. While each film brings a different story or message, each offers a shared commitment and passion for social justice and change,” said Nicole Foley, GLIDE Legacy Committee member and Film Festival Curator (director of short-doc film, Couper Was Here).
“The challenges of poverty and wealth inequality that plague San Francisco can feel overwhelming. It can be easy to look away or blame someone or something else. The Social Justice Film Fest, and each of the unique short-documentary films selected, reminds us that we are connected to each other, and that we are connected to the issues of suffering, marginalization, social inequality and injustice that plague the wealthiest city in the world. We hope these films will collectively inspire viewers into action,” said Emily Cohen, GLIDE Legacy Committee Chair.
Building on the 50-year legacy, GLIDE challenges inequities and stands with the poor, people of color, LGBTQ persons, and others facing oppression, isolation and stigma, while offering a holistic, integrated model of programs and services to address the complex needs of the community. Today, GLIDE continues to deepen its impact and extend its reach to thousands of people in need. Through comprehensive services, fearless advocacy and spiritual connection, GLIDE remains a powerful beacon of hope for a healthier, more just and inclusive city.
The Manitoba Story: A Basic Income Film
Ken Fisher
20 minutes
Is free money the path to a freer and more equitable future? Can a Basic Income really make a difference? After being hidden for more than 40 years, the results are finally out. Meet the leaders, researchers and participants from Dauphin, Manitoba who reveal their experience in a four-year basic income experiment, the first documentary about Mincome. Ken Fisher is the founder and chief creative at Truth Be Told, an award-winning San Francisco filmmaking shop on a mission to create positive social transformation. He is an Emmy-nominated filmmaker and his documentaries have shifted mindset, impacted culture and have influenced legislative change. His current documentary, “Basic Income,” focuses on grassroots community organizing and using content to engage audiences around issues of poverty and income inequality, inspiring them to reimagine our economy. You can view more of his work at http://truthtold.co
The Night Shift
Max Mollring and Ian Burris
4:53 minutes
“The Night Shift” glimpses into the life of Angelo, a homeless man in San Francisco who collects recycling in order to survive. The film follows Angelo through his nightly routine and explores how he has all of the traits of a successful entrepreneur, yet makes less than minimum wage. We are confronted by his optimistic demeanor, the ins and outs of the underground recycling economy, and the contradiction of a city rife with Tech money yet home to an ever-growing homeless population. Max Mollring (Director/Editor) is a director and editor based out of Oakland. Originally from Arcata California, he attended San Francisco State University’s Undergrad film program. He has directed short films, music videos and commercials. Ian Burris (Director) is a filmmaker and musician residing in San Francisco. Born and raised in Santa Cruz, California, Ian relocated to San Francisco to study narrative and documentary filmmaking at San Francisco State University. During his time at SFSU he was accepted into the International Documentary Summer Workshop at Shanghai Normal University.
Enforcement Hours (Sanctuary City Hotline)
Paloma Martinez
13 minutes
In a climate of xenophobia and confusion, a San Francisco hotline aims to provide limited assistance to a targeted population. Paloma Martinez began her storytelling career as a labor organizer in her native Texas. With her films, she hopes to empower communities and spark dialogue. In 2018, Paloma was named one of the “25 New Faces of Independent Film” by Filmmaker. Her short documentaries have been broadcast nationally on PBS, featured in The Guardian, The New York Times Op-Docs, and The Atlantic and screened at leading festivals including Hot Docs, AFI Docs, Doc NYC, and San Francisco International Film Festival, winning multiple awards.
Golden Magic Shoes
Citizen Film
6:11 minutes
Couper was here.
Nicole Foley
22:14 minutes
Unhoused San Francisco resident Couper Oroña was a firefighter, injured on the job, who now lives with disabilities. She supports herself on a small monthly disability check. After her injury and a divorce, she found herself living on the street. She’s known by houseless people throughout the city because of the way she looks out for them and advocates for their rights. She uses the skills she practiced as a firefighter to assist fellow encampment residents who don’t seek medical help from hospitals for a variety of reasons, such as feeling shame or having been mistreated by hospital staff. This film follows Couper in her caring for fellow unhoused San Franciscans, and in her quest to find permanent housing in the city.
Nicole Foley is a Creative Director who works on storytelling, brand strategy, design and video with clients ranging from mission-based startups and nonprofits to corporations. A good listener, she identifies what is at the heart of a good story to create the right message. Her love of documentaries and increasing focus on social justice issues led her to work on topics closer to her heart, such as inequity, transformation and the resilience of the human spirit. “Couper was here.” has screened at San Francisco Documentary Film Festival and Palm Springs International Short Film Festival and won awards at both events. Nicole studied psychology at Fordham University and earned a Master’s degree in anthropology at the University of Chicago. She is a member of GLIDE’s Legacy Committee and lives in San Francisco.
Episode 2 of “Stolen Belonging”