Fantastic Planet Film Festival announced it’s inaugural LAUNCH PAD program of world premiere films.
“Launch Pad was developed to provide a solid starting point for genre feature films just commencing their festival run,” explains festival director Dr. Dean Bertram. “Festivals often tend to focus their publicity on films that already have buzz from previous screenings, those which originate from within the studio system, or from a name director. We wanted to provide a specific component of the festival dedicated to discovering, showcasing, and promoting exceptional independent feature films and talented filmmakers beginning their journey.”
The three fantastic films accepted into the inaugural LAUNCH PAD program are:
A DARK MATTER, directed by James Naylor (Twisting cerebral sci-fi thriller.)
THE TAKING, directed by The BAPartists (Deep and disturbing art-house horror.)
WET AND RECKLESS, directed by Jason Trost (Hilarious buddy-caper come reality TV parody.)
All of these filmmakers, as well as some cast members from the films, will be attending the festival and partaking in Q&A sessions after their screenings. Launch Pad is a component of the 4th edition of Fantastic Planet Film Festival. Taking place in conjunction with the 7th annual A Night of Horror Film Festival, at Dendy Cinemas Newtown, April 11 to 21. Combined, the festivals will screen over 100 films. Together they are dedicated to presenting Sydney audiences with a stunning showcase of the latest in horror, sci-fi, fantasy and cult cinema.
A brief synopsis and the screening details of this year’s three (3) Launch Pad films follow: