Warner Bros. Pictures’ highly anticipated drama Black Mass, directed by Scott Cooper (Crazy Heart, Out of the Furnace) will world premiere in out-of-competition at the 72nd Venice International Film Festival. The film stars Johnny Depp as notorious gangster James “Whitey” Bulger, along with an acclaimed ensemble cast including Joel Edgerton, Benedict Cumberbatch, Rory Cochrane, Jesse Plemons, Dakota Johnson, Peter Sarsgaard, and Kevin Bacon. Black Mass will screen on Friday September 4th 2015 in the Sala Grande at the Palazzo […]
Venice International Film Festival
NAME OF FESTIVAL: Venice International Film Festival
SINCE: 1932
WHERE: Venice, Italy
The Venice International Film Festival is organized by La Biennale di Venezia. The aim of the Festival is to raise awareness and promote international cinema in all its forms as art, entertainment and as an industry, in a spirit of freedom and dialogue. The Festival also organizes retrospectives and tributes to major figures as a contribution towards a better understanding of the history of cinema.
Venice International Film Festival