IFC Films announced that the company acquired the U.S. rights to The Ledge, which is playing in the U.S. Dramatic Competition at this year’s Sundance Film Festival.  The Ledge, directed and written by Matthew Chapman, stars Charlie Hunnam (Sons Of Anarchy), Liv Tyler, Patrick Wilson, Terrence Howard, and Christopher Gorham (Ugly Betty).  The film is produced by Mark Damon and Michael Mailer.

In this race-against-time thriller, the opposing philosophies of two men embroiled in a complicated love triangle with a beautiful woman (Tyler) escalate into a lethal battle of wills.  Ultimately, the believer (Wilson) forces the non-believer (Hunnam) onto the ledge of a tall building.  He gives him one hour to make a choice between his own life and someone else’s, a while a policeman (Howard) tries to convince him to come down. Without faith of an afterlife, will he be capable of such a sacrifice?  THE LEDGE is a nuanced character study of love and conviction that will force you to ask how far you’d be willing to go for what you believe in.

Jonathan Sehring, President of Sundance Selects/IFC Films, said: “The Ledge is a well crafted and morally complex thriller that will really get people talking.”

“These days, there are many new and innovative ways to distribute a film, and new techniques are constantly evolving.   IFC is at the forefront of cutting edge independent distribution, and it is their unique approach that convinced us they were the right theatrical distributor for The Ledge,” says producer Mark Damon.

Adds director Matthew Chapman, ” Having watched The Ledge play to audiences in Sundance and seeing  their reactions, I believe that with the help of IFC Films we will reach the widest audience possible, which was always my intention.”

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