QUEEN OF THE SUN: What Are the Bees Telling Us?, the award winning documentary by Taggart Siegel, (director of “The Real Dirt on Farmer John”).  QUEEN OF THE SUN will open at Cinema Village in New York on Friday, June 10, and at Laemmle Theaters in Los Angeles on Friday, June 17.  Many other cities will follow.

QUEEN OF THE SUN is a profound, alternative look at the global bee crisis. Taking us on a journey through the catastrophic disappearance of bees and the mysterious world of the beehive, this engaging and ultimately uplifting film weaves an unusual and dramatic story of the heartfelt struggles of beekeepers, scientists and philosophers from around the world including Michael Pollan, Gunther Hauk and Vandana Shiva. Together they reveal both the problems and solutions in restoring humanity’s age-long relationship with bees.

Bees are the engines that keep the earth in bloom. In 1923, Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian scientist, philosopher and social innovator, predicted that in 80 to 100 years honeybees would collapse. Now, beekeepers around the United States and around the world are reporting an incredible loss of honeybees, a phenomenon deemed “Colony Collapse Disorder.” Bees are disappearing in mass numbers from their hives with no clear single explanation. The queen is there, honey is there, but the bees are gone.

QUEEN OF THE SUN presents the bee crisis as a global wake-up call and illuminates a growing movement of beekeepers, community activists and scientists who are committed to renewing a culture in balance with nature.



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