Pin Cushion
Pin Cushion

The 32nd Venice International Film Critics’ Week opens on Thursday August 31 with Pin Cushion, the debut feature film by British director Deborah Haywood. Haywood’s debut feature film tells the story of unusually close mother Lyn and daughter Iona, who move to a new town. After a tricky start, they will have to face a reality quite different from the one they had imagined.

Pin Cushion will follow the screening of the short film Nausicaa – The Other Odyssey (Nausicaa – L’altra Odissea) presented as a special event opening the second edition of SIC@SIC (Short Italian Cinema @ Settimana Internazionale della Critica). Italian director Bepi Vigna – renown author of comics and graphic novels, one of the creators of Nathan Never and Legs Weaver (Sergio Bonelli Editore) – will present his adaptation of one of the most famous stories of classical mythology, that of Ulysses and Nausicaa, a young princess who is seduced and abandoned by the adventurous man, and therefore decides to take a journey that will become a growth path.

The Venice International Film Critics’ Week (SIC) is an independent and parallel section organized by the National Union of Italian Film Critics (SNCCI) during the 74th Venice International Film Festival (30th August – 9th September, 2017). The program includes a selection of seven debut films in competition and two special events out of competition, all presented in world premiere screenings. Together with the feature films lineup, the sidebar presents the second edition of SIC@SIC (Short Italian Cinema @ Settimana Internazionale della Critica), a selection of seven short films by Italian directors who have not yet embarked on a full-length film, and two special events, all screened in world premiere.

The seven films in competition at the Venice Critics’ Week, as all the debut feature films presented in the various competitive sections of the Venice Film Festival (Official Selection and Independent and Parallel Sections) are eligible for the Lion of the Future – “Luigi De Laurentiis” Venice Award for a Debut Film.


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